VMware Workstation is a professional and complete virtualization solution that can be configured as you wish.
In this article, you will find the necessary explanations for each setting available in VMware Workstation.
To begin, go to the VMware Workstation settings by clicking on Edit -> Preferences.
In the "Workspace" section, you can first choose the default location for virtual machines.
You will also find settings related to virtual machines :
Finally, you will be able to choose whether VMware Workstation should offer you to save the login information for remote hosts, as well as to show saved login information.
In the "Input" section, you will be able to choose the authorized behavior(s) for the capture of the keyboard and the mouse by the virtual machine :
For the cursor, you will be able to :
Note that the cursor management options will only work if the VMware Tools are installed in the virtual machine.
When you use a virtual machine and want to return to the host PC, you may need to (especially when VMware Tools are not installed) press the "Ctrl + Alt" shortcut keys.
In this "Hot Keys" section, you can change this keyboard shortcut if you wish.
These shortcut keys will also allow you to :
In the "Display" section, you can configure the resizing conditions of the virtual machine :
Then, you can configure the full screen mode :
Finally, you can configure VMware Workstation menus and toolbars to :
Since version 16 of VMware Workstation Pro, if your physical computer (host PC) is running Windows 10 v1809 or later, you can also enable the dark mode using the "Colot Theme" options :
Since version 16.2.0 of VMware Workstation Pro, you will see that a new option "Hardware acceleration for remote virtual machine" has appeared.
In other words, you will be able to use hardware acceleration when using remote virtual machines (hosted on a VMware ESXi hypervisor mainly).
When you enable the Unity mode on a virtual machine, by default, VMware Workstation is minimized in the taskbar.
To disable this behavior, simply disable the "Minimize Workstation when entering Unity" option.
In addition, instead of clicking the Unity icon above the virtual machine, you can also use the "CTRL + SHIFT + U" shortcut configured here or change it if you wish.
In the "USB" section, you will be able to choose the default behavior that VMware Workstation will need to use when you connect an USB device (external hard disk, USB key, ...) to the host PC :
If you have selected the default option "Ask me what to do" and you connect an USB key (for example) when at least one of your virtual machines is started, a "New USB Device Detected" window will be displayed.
As you can see, VMware Workstation will ask you if it should :
If you check the "Remember my choice and do not ask again" box, VMware Workstation will select the corresponding "Connect the device to ..." option in the previously explained USB settings.
In the "Updates" section you can choose :
In the Feedback section, you can choose whether to join the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) or not.
In the "Shared VMs" section, you will be able to :
As indicated on the "VMware Workstation 16 Pro Release Notes" page of the VMware site, sharing virtual machines (thanks to VMware Workstation Server which was integrated into VMware Workstation) is no longer possible since version 16 of VMware Workstation.
Note that administrator rights will be required to change these settings.
To learn more about these settings, refer to our tutorial : Share virtual machines and manage access to them
In the "Memory" section, you will be able to choose the amount of RAM that VMware Workstation can reserve for the started virtual machines : Reserved memory.
You will also be able to choose how VMware Workstation will allocate RAM of the host OS to virtual machines :
*Note that swapping allows you to run more virtual machines even if the amount of random access memory (RAM) needed for them is not enough, but this may affect their performance.
In the "Priority" section, you can choose the default priority to use for your virtual machines when :
However, be aware that these 2 options can also be changed from the settings of the desired virtual machine.
For snapshots, you will be able to :
Warning : these options will only be used after a complete shutdown of your virtual machines.
Finally, in the "Devices" section, you can choose :
VMware 3/16/2013
VMware 2/7/2020
VMware 12/24/2021
VMware 12/10/2021
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