When you want to create and/or manage an infrastructure of Windows Server servers, virtualization servers, and more, you need to use professional programs dedicated to this purpose.
To do this, some companies work in partnership with the largest IT companies, such as : Microsoft, VMware, Citrix, ... and can thus provide tools or complete solutions to easily manage dozens, even hundreds of servers from one place.
Below, you will also find the various professional virtualization solutions existing on the Internet.
Citrix is a leader in virtualization and allows you to consolidate your servers, provide virtual applications and/or desktops, ...
ControlUp provides professional software to manage and monitor hundreds of servers in real time from a single location.
ManageEngine offers IT management solutions, including NetFlow Analyzer and OpManager, to optimize network performance and security.
Parallels is a company creating virtualization solutions mainly for Mac.
Starwind is a company specialized in highly available software storage solutions.
VMware is a leader in the virtualization domain and allows you to install a high-performance hypervisor for free, but also to virtualize machines and applications.
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