If you don't wish to restart your computer / server, here is how to assign a physical disk as Spare to an array from the "maxView Storage Manager" web interface.
To start, select the array you want to protect in the left column, then click on the 2nd icon in the "Physical Device" block located at the top of the page.
In the "Spare Management" window that appears, select "Dedicated" in the "Assign Hot Spare" section and click Next.
Check the physical disk(s) you want to set as Spare for this array, then click Next.
Then, click on Finish.
The "Assign hot spare operation successful" message appears.
To view the Spares configured on your Array, select it in the Microsemi Adaptec (ACU) Configuration Tool and press Enter.
Select one of your logical drives and press Enter.
Then, press the "CTRL + S" keys to display the Spares protecting this logical drive.
As expected, the Microsemi Adaptec configuration tool tells you that a Spare is configured as "Dedicated Spare" to protect this logical drive and that it's located at location : CN4:01:03.
For the members (displayable with the keys "CTRL + D"), this doesn't change anything for the moment.
If you want to check the addition of the Hot Spare directly via the "maxView Storage Manager" web interface, select your array and you will see that :
If you select a logical drive of this array, you will see your Spare appear in the "Hot Spare Drives" section.
maxView also tells you that in this case it's a : Dedicated Hot Spare.
If you select the Physical Device assigned as Hot Spare, you will see that :
Optional : in the Microsemi Adaptec configuration tool, go to : Disk Utilities.
Select your physical disk and press Enter.
Select "Device Information".
As you can see, your physical disk is :
When your computer / server starts up, you will not see any changes as long as your physical disks are in good condition.
In the web interface: maxView Storage Manager, if you select your Microsemi Adaptec controller from the list on the left, you will see that your controller counts :
If you look in the "Resources" tab of your controller, you will see that the status of your physical disk is "Dedicated Spare".
If you click once on it, you will see that it protects array "A" and therefore also the "Virtualization" logical drive that is there.
In the "Events" tab of your controller, you will see that :
If you select the physical disk you just configured as Spare, you will see the following lines :
In the "Resources" tab of this physical disk, you will be able to see which array(s) / logical disks it's protecting (Array(s) Protected).
If you select the protected array (in our case : array "A"), you will see that :
If you display the resources of your array, you will see that it contains a "Spare" type disk whose status is : Dedicated Spare.
If you select your logical drive, you will see that it's protected by a Spare (Protected by Hot Spare : True) located in location : Slot 3 (CN4).
You will also see again that it's a Spare of type : Dedicated Hot Spare.
If you select "Arrays and Logical Devices" in the left column, you will see that the "Spare Drive Count" column is at 1.
RAID 4/20/2022
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