Although you can create an array and logical devices from the Microsemi Adaptec configuration tool available when your computer / server starts up, you can also do it via the "maxView Storage Manager" web interface.
Obviously, this technique is only possible if :
Download and install maxView Storage Manager from the Microsemi site through the "Downloads" tab of your controller page.
If necessary, refer to our tutorial : Adaptec maxView Storage Manager v3 - Presentation.
Then, access the "maxView Storage Manager" web interface and select your Microsemi Adaptec controller on the left.
As you can see, in our case :
To create a new arrray and a new logical device in it, select your controller on the left, then click the "+" icon in the "Logical Device" section at the top of the page.
The "Create Logical Device" window appears.
Since we haven't created an array on our controller yet, we select "On New Array" to create a new array, then click Next.
Select the desired RAID Level :
In our case, we are going to create a RAID 5.
In the "RAID Members" step, select the hard disks that will be members of your array.
Now that your Array is defined, the wizard asks you to create your Logical Device.
Specify :
A summary of your Array and Logical Device configuration is displayed.
Wait a bit.
And the "Create logical device operation successful" message will be displayed.
Wait again.
As you can see, our controller has :
If you go to the "Resources" tab of your controller, you will see that there are :
If you look in "Arrays and Logical Devices", you will find your "A" array.
If you go to the "Logical Devices" tab of this "Arrays and Logical Devices" section, you will find your logical device.
Our array contains 3 physical disks and 1 logical device.
Small difference compared to the configuration tool available at computer startup, when you create a logical device through maxView, you will probably see the value "Queued" for the line "Parity Initialization Status".
The parity initialization is therefore not yet started, but in the queue.
If you click on the little "i" next to this "Queued" status, you will see that maxView tells you that the background parity initialization (of your logical device) is queued and that this will start when I/O (inputs/outputs) are performed on it.
On Windows, open Disk Management and bring the disk online (if you haven't already).
Then, right click "Initialize Disk" on it.
Select the type of partition to use on this disk :
In our case, since our logical device is around 7 TB in size, we are forced to use GPT.
Now that the disk is initialized, you can partition it however you want.
To do this, right click "New simple volume".
The New Simple Volume Wizard appears.
In our case, we will create only one partition (simple volume) to simplify the tutorial.
Enter a name.
In our case : RAID Vol.
Our logical device has a partition.
And it appears in the file explorer.
Now that you have started using your logical device, go back to the "maxView" web interface and select your logical device.
As you can see, the Parity Initialization Status is now : In Progress.
In the right column, you will also see the progress of this background parity initialization process.
Once the parity of your logical device is initialized, the value of "Parity Initialization Status" will be : Completed.
To configure the properties of your logical device, click on the 1st icon (framed in red on the image) located in the "Logical Device" block.
Here, you can :
RAID 4/22/2022
RAID 3/18/2022
RAID 1/28/2022
RAID 4/1/2022
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