To manage your Microsemi Adaptec SmartRAID controller, as well as its RAID volumes and logical disks, you can use its BIOS accessible via the keyboard shortcut "CTRL + A" (or "CTRL + Q" on an AZERTY keyboard) at start up of your computer.
However, you can also download the "maxView Storage Manager" 4 or 3 software from the official Microsemi website to manage all of this through a simple web browser.
To download the latest version of maxView Storage Manager 4 or 3 compatible with your Microsemi Adaptec SmartRAID controller, go to your Microsemi Adaptec SmartRAID controller page on the Microsemi official website and go to the "Downloads" tab of this page. In our case, we have a Microsemi Adaptec SmartRAID 3154-8i8e controller.
At the top of this tab, you will find a "Storage Manager Downloads" link. Click on it.
As you can see, maxView is available for Windows (at the very bottom of the list), as well as for other operating systems, such as : Linux, VMware, Citrix XenServer, ...
Click on the "maxView Storage Manager v3 .... for Windows x64" link.
Update: in 2024, maxView Storage Manager is available in version 4 for our Adaptec SmartRAID controller (as you can see below).
As expected, your Microsemi Adaptec SmartRAID controller appears in the list of compatible products.
In our case, the Microsemi Adaptec SmartRAID 3154-8i8e controller.
Click on the "Download Now" button, accept the contract that will be offered to you and click on the proposed download button.
The same goes for version 4. But, version 4 requires at least Windows 10.
If you have an older version of Windows, then download an older version of maxView Storage Manager.
Once downloaded, you will have a compressed file like this :
For version 4, the download name is "maxView Storage Manager for Windows x64" in our case, but the file name no longer contains the version of the downloaded software.
In our case, the downloaded file for version 4 is "".
To install maxView Storage Manager 4 or 3, unzip the downloaded "" file.
In the extracted folder, you will find 2 folders :
Note: since version 4, the maxView Storage Manager installation file "setup_asm_x64.exe" is located at the root of this folder "".
Open the "manager" folder and run the "setup_asm_x64.exe" file there.
The Microsemi maxView Storage Manager logo appears.
And a "maxView Storage Manager - InstallShield Wizard" window appears.
The maxView Storage Manager installation wizard appears.
As you can see, the web interface will be available by default on port 8443.
For the "Standalone Mode" box, this corresponds to the "LocalHost Mode" box which was present on older versions of maxView Storage Manager and allows you to disable remote access to the maxView Storage Manager web interface.
It will therefore be accessible only on the local computer via the address "https://localhost:8443/" (therefore on the local IP address :
Since version 4, you will also see the options:
The web port is : 8443.
For version 3 of maxView Storage Manager, you will be able to install :
Again, for version 4, you will see the "Redfish Server" option appear.
Which will install the service of the same name.
Click on : Install.
Wait while the maxView Storage Manager is installed.
maxView Storage Manager is installed.
For version 4, the Redfish server will also have been installed.
Once maxView Storage Manager is installed, you will find a "maxView Storage Manager" shortcut.
Double click on it.
Your web browser will open and connect to the "https://localhost:8443/maxview/manager/login.xhtml" address.
To secure the connection, maxView Storage Manager uses a SSL certificate, but this is self-signed because it's generated free of charge during its installation.
Hence the warning that your web browser displays.
With Mozilla Firefox, you can ignore this warning by clicking on : Advanced.
Then, click on : Accept the Risk and Continue.
To log in to maxView Storage Manager, you will need to provide a username and password.
The identifiers to use are those of the Windows accounts present on the computer where maxView is installed.
Note that your Windows account must be password protected in order for you to log into maxView Storage Manager with this account.
The root node of maxView Storage Manager is called "Enterprise View" and allows you to list all the computers / servers available on your network.
By default, you only have one.
At the bottom of the page, you will always find the latest events triggered by your Microsemi Adaptec SmartRAID controller.
In our case, you can see that parity initialization is in progress in the background on our Adaptec SmartRAID 3154-8i8e MSCC controller.
Note that if you checked the "Standalone Mode" box when installing maxView Storage Manager, your computer will appear as "localhost".
Regarding the global properties, you will find :
If you checked the "Standalone Mode" box when installing maxView Storage Manager, your computer / server will appear as "localhost (".
In the "Summary" tab, you will find a summary with the status of your different Microsemi controllers, the free space and the total space available on them.
In the "System Info" section, you can find out :
Dans l'onglet "Resources", vous trouverez la liste de vos contrôleurs Microsemi Adaptec.
Dans notre cas, nous avons 1 seul contrôleur "MSCC Adaptec SmartRAID 3154-8i8e", dont :
In the "Events" tab, you will find all the events that have occurred on the controllers present in your computer / server.
RAID 4/8/2022
RAID 4/13/2022
RAID 1/28/2022
RAID 2/11/2022
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