Citrix XenDesktop allows you to provide desktops (virtual) for a list of predefined users. This technology allows you to save money, because only the server needs to be efficient (where virtual desktops, used by authorized users, are running). Clients receive a picture (a set of pixels) of the desktop used remotely.
The client allowing to use a desktop (virtual or not) remotely is named "Citrix Receiver". This program can be downloaded from the XenDesktop server that you will install.
In this tutorial, we will use a virtual machine under Windows 7, as a model (template) for the desktops that will be provided through a PVS server. These virtual machines are created on a "Citrix XenServer" server.
PVS can create many virtual desktops while saving disk space on the XenServer server (in our case).
If you have never used XenDesktop begin with our tutorial : "Citrix XenDesktop - Installation, configuration and desktops delivery by using MCS".
In this tutorial, we'll show you :
Note : This tutorial was made with the same machines that our tutorial "Citrix XenDesktop - Installation, configuration and desktops delivery by using MCS".
Configuration used :
Note : The Certificate Authority is not required, but it allows you to test your configuration without paying SSL Certificate. This can also be used if you use this technology only in a local network (intranet).
Information about the DHCP server :
To begin, set a static IP address for the server and link it to the domain.
Then, download and install "Provisioning Services" by beginning with the installation of the Console.
The wizard will install the components required by the PVS console.
Nothing special for the installation of the console.
Then, install the PVS server.
Same : prerequisites for the PVS server.
SQL2012nclx64 corresponds to the SQL Native Client. This client is necessary for the implementation of mirror databases (SQL Server).
If you don't use this function, the client isn't required.
Note : This feature will be removed in later versions of SQL Server 2014.
Nothing special for the PVS server installation.
During the configuration of the PVS server, the wizard will ask SQL server connection information (installed together with XenDesktop, by default).
However, SQL Server requires a little configuration to allow remote access to the server.
To allow connections from outside to the SQL Server, we will use a fixed port.
To do this, open the "Sql Server Configuration Manager" program and go to "SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for SQLEXPRESS". Then, double-click on "TCP / IP".
In IPAll section, you will find the values "TCP Dynamic Ports" and "TCP Port".
As stated in the Microsoft documentation, you can use the port "1433" for the default instance, or "49172" if you have a named instance (which is our case).
Note : You can not fill in the two values together, otherwise, SQL Server will not restart.
Restart the SQL server.
Note : If the SQL server displays an "SQL Server could not spawn FRunCommunicationsManager thread" error, this is because the specified port is already used by another program. In this case, use the port "49194" (for example).
Finally, allow the port that you used for TCP protocol, in the Windows firewall.
If necessary, refer to our tutorial : Configure the Windows Firewall and the Firewall of Internet Security solutions
In Windows 7, you can use a restriction for the remote IP address (IP of the machine that connects to the SQL Server), if you wish. To do this, right click -> "Properties" on the rule you just created and go to the "Extended" tab.
Enter the IP address of the PVS server.
Click "OK".
Now that the SQL server is accessible via the network, return to the PVS server.
In our case, the DHCP server is running on another server than the server where you installed the PVS server.
For the boot over the network (PXE), we will use the PXE service on the PVS server.
Select "Create farm".
Specify :
Note: To use the "mirror database" option, answer "yes" when the PVS server installation wizard ask you for the "SQL2012nclx64" (SQL native client) installation.
Specify what you want for the farm, the site and the collection names.
Select the administrator group for this farm.
Note: If the server is a domain member, the "Use Active Directory ..." option is selected. Otherwise, it will be the other option.
Create a "vDisk" folder on the server and specify the path here.
Note: This folder will contain the virtual disks that will be streamed to clients virtual machines (which boot by PXE on the PVS server).
Enter the domain name server where you installed the license server and check the "Validate licence server version and communication".
By default, the license server is installed together with XenDesktop.
Choose the account that will be used to perform the "stream" and "saop" services.
In our case, we use the domain administrator account but you can use another account. The account used must be created first.
For security reasons, the password should be updated regularly.
Select network cards on which the PVS server should listen.
Check the "Use the Provisioning Services TFTP Service" box to use the PVS TFTP server.
Note : When starting on the network (PXE), the machine downloads a boot file (in this case : ARDBP32.BIN) from a TFTP server.
As indicated in this step, the bootstrap file downloaded by the client machine, allows him to know the server to contact to continue his boot.
By default, the client machine will start on the PVS server we are configuring.
The wizard displays a summary of the configuration.
By clicking on "Finish", the wizard will warn you that the Windows Firewall is activated and that it will interfere with the functioning of the PVS server.
To solve this problem, you must open ports listed in the official documentation of Citrix concerning PVS.
Official documentation : Communication Ports Used By Citrix Technologies (Section : ProvisioningServices)
Note : Note that some ports work with the "UDP" protocol and others with the "TCP" protocol.
Here is an overview of the Windows Firewall configuration for our PVS server :
Once the firewall is configured, click Finish and wait during the PXE, the TFTP server, ... configuration.
Citrix 4/9/2016
Citrix 8/2/2016
Citrix 3/22/2015
Citrix 5/13/2015
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