Using VMware vCenter Server (vCSA), you can schedule some tasks, such as: powering on a virtual machine, creating a virtual machine, or adding a VMware ESXi host to your inventory.
To create a scheduled task for a specific virtual machine, go to the "Configure" tab of it.
In this "Configure" tab, go to "More -> Scheduled Tasks" and click on the "New Scheduled Task" link.
For a virtual machine, you can:
For this tutorial, we will create a scheduled task to power on this virtual machine.
In the "Schedule New Tasks ([name of chosen task])" box that appears, you can specify:
In our case, we will choose to run this scheduled task only once.
In this case, we therefore have the possibility to choose the date / time on which this scheduled task should be executed.
Then click on "Schedule the task".
The created scheduled task appears in the list of scheduled tasks for this virtual machine.
As you can see, our virtual machine started automatically.
In the "Configure -> More -> Scheduled Tasks" tab, you will be able to see the history of the last 5 executions of your task by selecting it.
As you can see, this was executed once at the desired time.
If you go to the "Monitor -> Tasks and Events -> Tasks" tab of your virtual machine, you will see the previously created scheduled task appear in the list.
In this case, the "Create Scheduled Task" task.
You will also see the associated task that you had scheduled.
In our case: Power On virtual machine.
Note that by selecting this task, you will be able to see the list of events linked to it.
If you look in the "Tasks and Events -> Events" section, you will find the same events related to the scheduled task that was executed previously.
VMware 10/7/2022
VMware 8/17/2022
VMware 1/24/2025
VMware 3/27/2024
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