Once logged in as admin on OpManager, go to: Settings -> Discovery -> Virtualization Discovery -> VMware.
Provide the IP address or domain name of your VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) server and click "Add Credentials" to add the VMware credentials requested here.
In the "Add Credential" window that appears, click: VMware.
In the "Add Credential (VMware)" form that appears, provide:
Then click: Save.
In the "VMware Credential" list, select the "VCSA" profile you just created.
Then, click on the link: Advanced Settings.
As you can see, in the advanced settings you can add credentials for different protocols (including: SNMP) to get additional information about your vCenter Server (VCSA).
In the case of VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA), you have the option of using the "SNMP" (Simple Network Management Protocol) protocol that you previously enabled on your vCenter Server and on your VMware ESXi hosts linked to it.
To add the necessary SNMP credentials, click the "Add Credentials" link again.
This time, click on: SNMP v1/v2c.
In the "Add Credential (SNMP v1/v2c)" form that appears, indicate:
Then, click Save.
In the "SNMP Credential" list, select the new "VCSA SNMP" profile that you have just created, then click on: Discover.
The VMware ESXi hosts linked to your VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) server appear, along with the virtual machines on them.
In our case, we correctly see our 2 VMware ESXi hosts (esxi1 and esxi2), as well as the 2 Windows 10 virtual machines and the VM corresponding to VCSA present on our host "esxi1".
By default, everything will be monitored by OpManager since all boxes are checked by default.
Click Next.
OpManager asks you for credentials again and offers you the SNMP credentials it already knows.
If you look at the gray line, you'll notice that it asks you for these SNMP credentials to perform detailed monitoring of hosts and virtual machines (VMs).
So you need to click "Add Credential" to add the SNMP credentials corresponding to the SNMP configuration of your VMware ESXi hosts.
In the "Add Credential" window that appears, click: SNMP v1/v2c.
An "Add Credential (SNMP v1/v2)" form appears.
This time, specify "ESXi SNMP" as the profile name and provide the SNMP community name that you configured on your VMware ESXi hosts.
In our case we used the same SNMP community name "SnmpCommunity" and we allow reading and writing.
Select the new "ESXi SNMP" profile that you have just created and click on: Discover.
A little later, you will see a "Discovery Complete" notification appear.
VMware 3/13/2024
VMware 12/11/2024
VMware 7/24/2024
VMware 10/25/2024
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