Using SNMP, you can easily monitor your VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) server, as well as your VMware ESXi hosts from one place.
For this, in this tutorial, we will use the "ManageEngine OpManager" program which can be downloaded very easily and which supports monitoring of VMware servers.
On the "VMware Monitoring Software | VMware Performance Metrics - ManageEngine OpManager" page of the ManageEngine website, you will see that you can monitor your entire VMware infrastructure with their "OpManager" program.
Download the 30-day trial version of this "ManageEngine OpManager" program.
Before you can monitor your VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA), you must first enable SNMP on it.
To do this, start by activating the SSH protocol on it if it is not already done.
Activating SSH on VCSA is possible via the "Appliance Management" page accessible via HTTPS on port 5480 of your VCSA server.
If necessary, refer to our tutorial: VMware vSphere 6.7 - Enable SSH protocol on VCSA.
Then, connect by SSH to your VCSA server using PuTTY (for example).
Log in as "root".
Once logged in as root, you can view the current configuration of the VCSA SNMP service using the command:
To get started, you need to create a new SNMP community.
This allows you to group devices and management systems together. These will then be able to communicate via SNMP with your VCSA server.
In our case, we will name this community: SnmpCommunity.
snmp.set --communities SnmpCommunity
Then, authorize your future management server (the one where you will install "ManageEngine OpManager") by indicating its IP address and the SNMP community in which you wish to add it.
In our case, our server "me-opmanager" has the IP address "" and we place it in the "SnmpCommunity" community.
snmp.set --targets
Enable the SNMP service:
View the SNMP configuration of your VCSA server:
Which will display this:
Plain Text
Config: Syscontact: '' Loglevel: warning Port: 161 Enable: True Privacy: none Syslocation: '' Users: V3targets: Processlist: False Pid: 1296 Engineid: 80001adc80f9f2bc437573ed6200000000 Communities: SnmpCommunity Authentication: none Targets: 1: Community: SnmpCommunity Port: 161 Ip: Notraps: '' Remoteusers:
To test sending an SNMP notification, use the command:
Which will display this:
Plain Text
Results: Success: True Message: A warmStart notification was sent to 1 target.
Source : Configure the vCenter Server Appliance for SNMP v1 and v2c - VMware Docs.
Although ManageEngine OpManager will be able to automatically detect your VMware ESXi hosts linked to your VMware VCSA server, it is still necessary to manually enable and configure the SNMP service on them.
Preferably, specify the same SNMP configuration on all your VMware ESXi hosts. Note that the SNMP community used can be different from your VCSA server if you wish, but the important thing is that it is the same on all your VMware ESXi hosts.
As before, configuring the SNMP service under VMware ESXi is only possible via command line.
You will therefore need to enable the SSH protocol on your VMware ESXi hosts.
To do this, start the "TSM-SSH" service on them.
Then SSH into them using PuTTY again (for example).
Log in as "root".
To activate and configure the SNMP service on VMware ESXi, the method is almost the same.
Only the syntax of the commands changes.
To view the current SNMP service configuration, type the command:
esxcli system snmp get
Create an SNMP community. In our case, we used the same name as before.
esxcli system snmp set --communities SnmpCommunity
Allow access to this VMware ESXi host by specifying the IP address of your management server (where you will install "ManageEngine OpManager").
esxcli system snmp set --targets
Enable the SNMP service.
esxcli system snmp set --enable true
View the SNMP service configuration.
esxcli system snmp get
Which will display this:
Plain Text
Authentication: Communities: SnmpCommunity Enable: true Engineid: 00000063000000a100000000 Hwsrc: indications Largestorage: true Loglevel: info Notraps: Port: 161 Privacy: Remoteusers: Syscontact: Syslocation: Targets: SnmpCommunity Users: V3targets:
Test sending an SNMP notification:
esxcli system snmp test
Which will display this:
Plain Text
Comments: There is 1 target configured, send warmStart requested, test completed normally.
Source : Configure ESXi for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c - VMware Docs.
If you look at the list of services on your VMware ESXi host, you will see that the "snmpd" service (SNMP Server) is running.
Don't forget to also configure the SNMP service of your other VMware ESXi hosts linked to your VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA).
Now that the SNMP service on your VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) and VMware ESXi hosts is configured, you can install ManageEngine OpManager on the Windows Server server that you have previously authorized.
To do this, launch the downloaded file and you will see this appear.
Then the installer will appear.
Accept the license agreement.
Leave the default installation folder.
By default, the web server (web client) will use port 8060.
Skip the optional technical support registration form by clicking Skip.
Wait while ManageEngine OpManager installs.
Wait while the files are extracted.
Then the message "Initializing database" will appear.
An assistant will ask you if you want to:
At the end of the ManageEngine OpManager installation wizard, uncheck the "View Readme" box and click Finish.
Wait while OpManager starts.
A "ManageEngine OpManager" web page will appear for a few seconds.
Plain Text
The OpManager web client will be available soon at http://me-opmanager:8060. ManageEngine OpManager - Initializing modules - Please Wait.
A little later, an "OpManager" login page will appear and tell you that the default credentials are: admin / admin.
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