6. Information about your servers and virtual machines
As you can see, with ManageEngine OpManager you will be able to easily monitor the availability of your servers, as well as network traffic and obtain information regarding your VMware virtual infrastructure.
In the vCenter Server summary, you will be able to see:
A little further down, you will be able to see your VCSA server version, as well as other information (if applicable).
In the "vCenter -> Interfaces" section, you will be able to see the network card of your VCSA server which by default is a VMXNET3 paravirtual network card.
In the "vCenter -> Virtual Details" section, you will be able to see:
In the "Host" section, you will see the list of VMware ESXi hosts linked to your vCenter Server with information about them:
Click the name of one of your VMware ESXi hosts to get detailed information about it.
As for your vCenter Server, you will be able to know its availability rate, its IP address, its DNS domain name, ...
Below, you can obtain information regarding the hardware of your VMware ESXi host:
On the right, you will be able to see the usage rate of system resources: RAM, CPU, disk I/O and network usage.
In the "Interfaces" tab of your VMware ESXi host, no data may be displayed.
In this case, ManageEngine OpManager will tell you about the SNMP service.
If you have correctly configured the SNMP service of this host, as well as the SNMP profile on OpManager, simply click on the "Discover Interfaces" link located on the right.
If the SNMP information configured previously is correct, the list of interfaces of your VMware ESXi host will appear.
As you can see, ManageEngine OpManager detected:
Click Save.
The list of interfaces of your VMware ESXi host appears.
In the "Host -> Virtual Details" section you will see:
In the "Host -> Monitoring" section, you can easily monitor various settings, including the RAM and CPU usage of your VMware ESXi host.
In the "Virtual Machines" section, you will be able to see the list of virtual machines currently present on this VMware ESXi host.
Note that by default these are not monitored as OpManager does not have credentials to obtain detailed information about them.
On the other hand, given that the "vcsa" virtual machine corresponds to our VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) server where we have already configured the SNMP service, we could start monitoring it by clicking on the "Play" icon located on the right.
Select the "VCSA SNMP" profile created previously and click "Discover".
The message "Started monitoring vcsa virtual machine with vcsa IP address" will appear at the top of the page.
Return to the "Virtual Machines" section of your VMware ESXi host and you will see that additional information has appeared for your "vcsa" virtual machine.
In the "Datastores" section, you will be able to see the list of datastores available on this host with:
In the "Servers -> All Servers -> Devices" section, you will be able to see the list of your servers:
In the "Servers -> All Servers -> Interfaces" section, you will be able to see the list of your interfaces.
In our case :
In the "Alarms" section, you will be able to see the alarms that have been triggered based on some events.
For the example, start a virtual machine from your vCenter Server.
At the bottom right you will see that a new event has occurred.
If you click on it, you will see information appear.
For example, when starting a virtual machine, you will see that a "VmPoweredOnEvent" event has been detected.
Plain Text
VmPoweredOnEvent:Win 10 v2004 x64 - VM 1 on esxi1.informatiweb.lan in DC-Bruxelles is powered on
Same if you shut down a virtual machine, a "VmPoweredOffEvent" event will occur.
VMware 3/3/2023
VMware 1/20/2023
VMware 12/11/2024
VMware 6/26/2024
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