In the VMware vSphere Client, select your host and click: Actions -> Deploy OVF Template.
In the "Deploy OVF Template" wizard that appears, select "Local file" and click: Browse.
Select all virtual appliance files and click Open.
Then click Next.
Specify the name under which this virtual appliance will be deployed.
In our case: StarWindVSA vSphere 1.
Then, select the location where it will be added and click Next.
Select your 1st host as the compute resource and click Next.
Information about this “StarWind Virtual SAN for vSphere” appliance appears.
Click Next.
Accept the StarWind License Agreement and click Next.
By default, a "Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed" will be selected.
However, in the case of a lab, you can choose "Thin Provision" to save disk space.
Map the appliance networks to be deployed to your previously created virtual networks:
A summary of the StarWind Virtual SAN for vSphere OVF deployment configuration appears.
Click Finish.
Wait while StarWind Virtual SAN for vSphere is deployed.
Your new “StarWindVSA vSphere” virtual machine appears.
Change your virtual machine settings.
Optional: if desired, you can add 2 additional virtual network adapters for redundancy (as directed by StarWind) by clicking: Add New Device -> Network Adapter.
Map one network card to the "StarWind iSCSI Network" network and the other to the "StarWind Synchronization" network.
Thus, 2 virtual network cards are mapped to each StarWind virtual network.
As you can see, this virtual machine is connected to 3 networks.
Select your 2nd VMware ESXi host and click: Actions -> Deploy OVF Template.
This time, indicate “StarWindVSA vSphere 2” for this 2nd instance of StarWind Virtual SAN.
Select your 2nd VMware ESXi host.
Map the networks of this StarWind virtual appliance to your virtual networks (as before).
A summary of the StarWind Virtual SAN for vSphere OVF deployment appears.
Click Finish.
Wait while StarWind Virtual SAN is deployed on your 2nd VMware ESXi host.
The virtual appliance has been successfully deployed.
Edit the settings for this new StarWind virtual machine.
Optional: add 2 additional virtual network cards if desired to create redundancy for the "iSCSI / Heartbeat" and "Synchronization" networks.
As expected, the virtual machine is connected to 3 networks.
VMware 4/5/2024
VMware 5/8/2024
VMware 6/21/2024
VMware 3/1/2024
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