On your VMware vCenter Server (VCSA), you can create content libraries to store virtual machine template files or ISO files to install the guest operating system of your VMs.
To add a new content library to your VMware vCenter Server (VCSA), click "vSphere Client" at the top left, then click: Content Libraries.
Next, click on the "+" icon.
Provide a name for your content library, a note (description) for it if desired, and then choose the vCenter Server where you want to create it.
By default, there is only one vCenter Server available.
However, in the event that you have several vCenter Server servers linked together using ELM (Enhanced Linked Mode), there would be several.
As you can see, you will be able to create:
Select "Local content library" and click Next.
Select the storage location (datastore) to store the files you will add to your content library.
In our case, we selected the "HDD2" datastore which is located on our 1st VMware ESXi server.
A summary is displayed with:
Click Finish.
Your new content library has been created.
Now that your content library has been created, click "vSphere Client" at the top left of the page.
Then, click on: Storage.
If you look in the previously selected storage, you will find a new folder whose name starts with "contentlib-".
This "contentlib-xxxxx..." folder corresponds to your new content library and a new "contentlib-xxxxx..." folder will be created for each new content library created.
To import or export elements (VMs, ISO files, ...) from your content library, click on "vSphere Client", then on: Content Libraries.
Next, click on the name of your content library.
Information about your content library appears.
Note that OVF templates (virtual machine templates) will be found in the "Templates" tab, while ISO files will be found in the "Other Types" tab of your content library.
To import an OVF template into your content library, click on the "Actions" link, then: Import item.
Then, select "Local file" and click the "Upload file" button.
To import a virtual machine in OVA format, select its OVA file.
If your virtual machine is in OVF format, first select its configuration file, whose extension is: .ovf.
Using the virtual machine configuration file in OVF format, VMware vCenter Server will be able to tell you which files are required for importing this virtual machine.
As you can see, in our case, the dependent files are:
To download these missing associated files (one by one), click the "Download" link present to the right of the list of missing associated files.
Select the virtual hard disk of the virtual machine, whose extension is: .vmdk.
Select the other required dependent files by clicking the "Download" link again for each file.
Once all the dependent files have been selected, change the name of the element (in this case: an OVF template) under which it will appear in your content library if you wish.
Then, provide a note (optional) and click Import.
While the various files are being imported, the task "Upload Files to a Library Item" will appear in recent tasks.
For the item being imported, its type will be "Unknown" during import.
Once the import is complete, the status of this "Upload Files to Library Item" task will be "Completed" and the type of the imported item will be: OVF Model.
If you click on its name, you can obtain information about it:
To see where the imported files are stored, click "vSphere Client", then: Storage.
If you go to the "contentlib-xxxxx..." folder created when creating your content library, you will see that a new folder with a random name (unique identifier) has been created there.
This folder corresponds to the item that was imported into your content library.
Inside this file, you will find the OVF, VMDK, ... files that you have just imported into your content library.
Note that a unique identifier has been added to the end of the name of each imported file.
To export an OVF template from your content library, click its name to view it.
Next, click "Actions -> Export Item".
As you already know, an OVF template is composed of several files:
Wait while the different files composing the OVF template that you wish to export are downloaded.
Note that an "Fetch Content of a Library Item" task will appear while downloading these different files to your computer.
Once the download of the various files is complete, the status of the "Fetch Content of a Library Item" task will be "Completed".
The files have been downloaded to your computer.
VMware 5/26/2023
VMware 6/8/2022
VMware 3/5/2025
VMware 10/2/2024
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