As you already know, the network of your VMware ESXi hosts is made up of several layers.
If necessary, refer to our article: Understand the basics of network management on VMware ESXi 6.7.
In this tutorial, you will see how to create a new virtual network (in other words: a port group and a standard virtual switch) from the VMware vSphere Client of your VMware vCenter Server (VCSA).
If you select one of your VMware ESXi hosts and go to the "Networks" tab, you will see that a "VM Network" virtual network already exists on it.
This virtual network "VM Network" corresponds to the group of ports of the same name automatically created during the installation of your VMware ESXi hypervisor and to which your virtual machines are connected by default.
As you can see, at the moment our VMware ESXi host "esxi1" has 2 physical network cards (physical adapters).
You can see this by selecting your VMware ESXi host, then going to: Configure -> Networking -> Physical Adapters.
If you go to "Configure -> Networking -> Virtual Switches", you will see that by default, your host already has:
From the VMware vSphere Client, you can easily add a new virtual network by creating a new port group and a new standard virtual switch through a single wizard.
For this tutorial, we added 2 physical network cards to our server.
In the image below, these are the network cards: vmnic2 and vmnic3.
To add a new virtual network from the VMware vSphere Client, go to "Configure -> Networking -> Virtual Switches" and click: Add Networking.
In the "[VMware ESXi host name] - Add Networking" wizard that appears, select "Virtual Machine Port Group for a Standard Switch" and click Next.
When you add networking, you can choose to use an existing standard switch or create a new one.
In this case, we will create our new port group on a new standard switch (vSS) and we will assign our 2 new physical network cards to it in the next step of the wizard.
By default, the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) of a standard switch is 1500 bytes.
To be able to use jumbo frames, you will need to specify a value greater than 1500 bytes.
In the "Create a standard switch" step that appears, click on the "+" icon to add a physical network card (physical network adapter) to it.
The list of network adapters (physical network cards) not used on your VMware ESXi host appears.
Select the network adapter you want to add to this standard switch and click OK.
When you select a network adapter, several information about it appear:
To achieve fault tolerance and/or perform load balancing, you can use one or more additional network adapters.
To do this, click on the “+” icon again.
Select the network adapter to add to your new virtual switch and click OK.
The added network adapter appears.
Click Next.
Note: the information located on the right is the same as previously and the tabs simply allow you to filter the display of this information.
At the "Connection settings" step, you can specify:
A summary of your standard virtual switch and virtual machine port group (or "virtual network") configuration appears.
Click Finish.
Your new virtual switch (in our case: vSwitch1) appears with:
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