Start the "SexiLog" virtual machine and you will see a "GRUB" boot menu.
Once the virtual machine is started, you will arrive on a login screen: sexilog login.
Log in as root and you will arrive on the home screen (named "SexiMenu") of SexiLog.
The default identifiers are "root / Sex!Log" and are referenced on the "QuickStart" page of the official SexiLog website.
Please note: the keyboard used by default is a QWERTY keyboard.
Which means that to type the character "!" of SexiLog's default password, you will need to activate the capital letter and press the number "1" (located at the top left of the keyboard) if you have an AZERTY keyboard.
Thanks to this SexiMenu, you will be able to:
To access the Linux shell of your SexiLog virtual machine, simply enter the number "1" and press Enter.
To return to the SexiLog menu from this shell, type the command:
Otherwise, type the Linux command "exit" and log in again as "root".
Given that SexiLog was developed by 2 French people, they had the good idea to add an option to quickly change the default keyboard to: AZERTY.
The keyboard layout that will be used will be: French (France).
To do this, use option: 6 (Change console keymap (for Frenchies)).
Important : if you decide to change the keyboard layout, remember it when you type the SexiLog password from the console of this VM.
Note: if you are in Belgium, know that the letters will be in the right place. But, the special characters will not be in the right place.
If you have a "French (Belgium)" keyboard, but you change the SexiLog keyboard via this option "6", the character "!" of SexiLog's default password will be in place of the "=" (present at the bottom right of your keyboard).
As you can see, by default, the keyboard layout used is: us.
To change it to a French keyboard (France), answer "y" to the question "Do you want to switch to 'fr' layout?" which is displayed.
The keyboard layout has been updated in French:
Plain Text
Setting preliminary keymap...done. Default keymap layout have been updated to fr.
To restart SexiLog services in case of problems or when modifying configuration files directly from its shell, use option 4 (Restart SexiLog services).
Indeed, SexiLog is based on several components.
Thanks to this option, you will be able to restart all these services on which SexiLog depends:
Plain Text
Restarting SexiLog services will restart: /etc/init.d/riemann /etc/init.d/logstash /etc/init.d/elasticsearch /etc/init.d/node-app /etc/init.d/rsyslog Are you sure you want to restart SexiLog services? (y/N):
Answer “y” to restart SexiLog services.
SexiLog services have been restarted.
To modify SexiLog's network configuration and set a static IP address for this virtual machine, use option 5 (Network settings).
By default, SexiLog automatically obtains an IP address from the DHCP server on your network.
To set a static IP address for it (which is required to then specify it as the destination syslog server in your VMware server settings), answer "n" to this question:
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Do you want to configure your network with DHCP for this machine?
SexiLog will ask you for the various necessary information one by one (hence the 5 steps):
Once you have validated the last information (the hostname), SexiLog will tell you that updating the network settings will restart your server.
Answer "y" to the question that appears to save the new network configuration and restart the SexiLog virtual machine.
Plain Text
Updating your network settings will reboot your appliance. Are you sure you want to update network settings of this machine? (y/N): y
Then, press "Enter" to validate the restart of SexiLog.
Plain Text
New network settings applied. [SEXILOG] Your system will now reboot. Press [Enter] key to continue...
Your SexiLog virtual machine restarts.
Then the GRUB boot menu will appear.
Wait 5 seconds or press Enter directly.
The SexiLog login screen appears.
Warning : if you previously changed the keyboard layout to "fr", remember that the character "!" of SexiLog's default password has moved.
On the "French (France)" AZERTY keyboard, this character "!" is located just to the left of the "Shift" (right) key.
And there you have it, the network configuration has been updated.
As you can see at the top of the screen.
If you want to receive email alerts based on logs analyzed by SexiLog, use option 7 (Riemann (email) settings).
Then answer "y" and follow the wizard.
To change SexiLog's default password, first access the Linux shell using option 1 (Shell).
Then use this Linux command:
passwd root
And indicate twice the new password to use for this root account.
Plain Text
Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully
To get started, check the current date (including its time zone).
As you can see, by default, the time zone used is: UTC.
Plain Text
Mon Nov 1 16:14:47 UTC 2021
To change the time zone used by default, access the shell using option 1.
Then, locate the list of available continents using the command:
ls /usr/share/zoneinfo
Then, list the capitals (of countries) available in the desired continent by adding the name of the desired continent at the end of the command above.
For example, for Europe, type this:
ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe
Save the current time zone:
mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.old
Then, use the "Paris" time zone if you are in France:
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime
Use the "Brussels" time zone if you are in Belgium:
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels /etc/localtime
Finally, verify that the time zone has been changed by typing:
As you can see, the time zone used is now: CET.
Plain Text
Mon Nov 1 17:21:09 CET 2021
To log out of this console, use option 0.
Once disconnected from the console, you will see the login screen again: sexilog login.
VMware 10/7/2022
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