As you can see, the VMware Tools were not automatically installed.
To install them, start the virtual machine by clicking on : Power on.
The virtual machine starts up.
The virtual machine has started.
However, you will probably notice that it's not possible to use your virtual machine with the mouse at this time.
This bug only appears when you convert a virtual machine from Hyper-V to a VMware product.
However, you can use it with your keyboard.
For this, we strongly recommend that you use the VMware Remote Console (VMRC) program.
Click on : Console -> Launch remote console.
In the "[VM name] - VMware Remote Console" window that appears, click : VMRC -> Manage -> Update VMware Tools.
This will have the effect of inserting the appropriate iso file of VMware Tools to be installed in this virtual machine.
Open the file explorer from the keyboard by pressing the "Windows" key on your keyboard once, then typing "Explorer".
Then, when this result appears, just press Enter.
Press the "Tab" key (double arrows) several times to select the "Quick access" item on the left.
Then, repeatedly press the down arrow on your keyboard to go down to the "This PC" item.
Then, press Enter.
Use the "Tab" key (double arrows) on your keyboard again to select the "Desktop" item (located on the right side).
Note that if the source virtual machine was Generation 1, then a virtual DVD drive is present here.
In the case of Generation 2 virtual machines from Hyper-V, this would not have been the case.
To add it, refer to the next step of this tutorial.
As you can see, in the case of a generation 1 (source) virtual machine, the DVD drive is connected to an IDE controller.
Use the arrows on your keyboard to select your virtual DVD drive containing the VMware Tools virtual CD and press Enter to start the installation.
In the event that automatic execution (autorun) is disabled in your case, you will enter the VMware Tools CD.
In this case, use the arrows of your keyboard to select the "setup.exe" (for the 32-bit / x86 version of Windows) or "setup64.exe" (for the 64-bit / x64 version of Windows) file, then press on "Enter" to start the desired file.
Select the "Yes" button using the arrows of your keyboard and validate by pressing "Enter".
The VMware Tools Setup wizard appears.
Press Enter since the "Next" button is already selected.
Press the "Tab" key of your keyboard several times to select the "Next" button.
Then, press Enter.
Press Enter.
The installation of VMware Tools begins.
When the VMware Tools Setup wizard is complete, press Enter to close this wizard.
Then, select the "Yes" button and press Enter to restart the virtual machine.
The virtual machine restarts.
The Windows session opens.
Now, your virtual machine can be used with keyboard and mouse without any problem since the correct drivers for this new virtual hardware have been installed.
If you look in the list of installed programs, you will see that VMware Tools have been installed.
If you refresh the web interface of your VMware ESXi server, you will see that the name of your virtual machine appears in the "General Information" section and that the "VMware Tools version is compliant" message also appears.
This means that the VMware Tools are correctly installed.
As expected, the name of the virtual machine is always "win10-vm" (as on the source virtual machine on your Hyper-V server).
Warning : don't launch the source virtual machine of your Hyper-V server at the same time as the one running on your VMware ESXi hypervisor, as this may create a conflict because of the NETBIOS name which is identical.
It could also cause a network connection problem if it has a static IP address or other problems.
If you open the Device Manager in the guest operating system of this virtual machine, you will see that the virtual hardware used is now that of VMware.
When the virtual machine imported from your Hyper-V server was generation 2, you will see that there is no virtual CD/DVD drive by default.
If you look in the settings of your source virtual machine, you will see that in generation 2 the virtual DVD drive is connected to a SCSI controller instead of an IDE controller (in generation 1).
Since the VMware converter has not added a virtual CD/DVD drive to this virtual machine, the "Update VMware Tools" option is grayed out.
This means that installing VMware Tools is not possible at this time.
To fix the problem, click on : VMRC -> Manage -> Virtual Machine Settings.
In the "Virtual Machine Settings" window that appears, click on : Add.
Select "CD/DVD Drive" and click : Finish.
The new CD/DVD drive appears.
Uncheck the "Connect at power on" box.
Then, select "Location: Local Client" and "Use physical drive".
Now that a virtual DVD drive has been added to this virtual machine, you can start the installation of VMware Tools by clicking on : VMRC -> Manage -> Update VMware Tools.
The VMware Tools ISO file has been inserted into the virtual DVD drive of your virtual machine.
To delete the conversion job, right-click on it in VMware vCenter Converter Standalone and click : Go to job.
Then, click on the red cross.
Validate the deletion of this task by clicking on Yes.
The task has been deleted.
VMware 10/14/2022
VMware 8/19/2022
VMware 8/24/2022
VMware 9/7/2022
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