SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) is a free software developed by Thales Group that allows you to manage your smart cards.
Note that this program is only necessary to manage your smart cards : modify its PIN codes, manually manage the certificates it contains, ...
In most cases, including enrolling certificates on your smart card from the "mmc" console, you will only need the "SafeNet Minidriver".
When you order smart cards manufactured by Thales Group, you can obtain the SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) program free of charge by contacting the intermediary from whom you ordered them.
In our case, we ordered our smart cards from
If necessary, to avoid recontacting your intermediary each time SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) is updated, you can easily download it from the "How to download SafeNet Authentication Client" page of the official site of digicert (a certification authority recognized by default by all computers / servers on Windows / Windows Server).
Launch the SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) installation file : SafeNetAuthenticationClient-x64-10.8-R6.msi.
The "SafeNet Authentication Client 10.8 R6 Setup" installer appears.
Click Next.
Preferably, select the "English" language to be able to easily obtain help if necessary thanks to the PDF in English provided (once the program is installed).
SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) installs like any other program.
As you can see, the installer offers you 2 interfaces.
Select the appropriate one for your case.
Info : for native integration on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, you will use "Microsoft Minidriver".
Click Install.
Wait while the SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) installs.
SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) is installed.
Click Finish.
In the taskbar, you will see a small icon (representing a medal) appear next to the time.
Note that this is greyed out when your smart card reader is not plugged in or when no smart card is inserted in it.
If you right-click on this icon, you will see several options appear, including the "Tools" option.
This option opens the "SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC)" program.
If the "Tools" option is not available in your case, you have only installed the driver (SafeNet Minidriver) and not this "SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC)" program.
Indeed, when you install the "SafeNet Minidriver" driver, the same icon appears, but you don't have access to the program allowing you to manage your smart card.
If you click on "Tools", you will see the "SafeNet Authentication Client Tools" window appear.
As you can see, at the moment SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) detects our "HID OMNIKEY 3121" smart card reader as "OMNIKEY AG Smart Card Reader USB 0".
When no smart card is inserted in your smart card reader, all options to the right are grayed out.
If you click on "About" from the icon visible in the taskbar, you can easily know the version of SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC).
You will also have a link to the official Thales website and a button to check if the SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) binaries have not been modified by malware.
If you click on the "Validate Binary Signatures" button, the "No binaries are at risk" message should appear.
Once you have inserted a smart card (manufactured by Thales Group) into your smart card reader, 3 additional options will appear in the context menu of the icon present in the taskbar.
In the "Token Certificate Information Card #" window, you will see the list of certificates present on your smart card with :
In our case, we have already written a certificate on our smart card which allows us to connect as InformatiUser on a computer or server thanks to this one.
If you click on the "Tools" option of the icon present in the taskbar, you will see the "SafeNet Authentication Client Tools" window appear with the list of card readers connected to your computer / server on the left.
If your smart card reader is empty, its name appears and the icon is grey.
If a smart card is in your smart card reader, your smart card name will appear and you will see an orange smart card on the icon displayed.
Select your smart card reader on the left to use the options available on the right :
To get information about your smart card reader and your token / smart card in it, click : View Token Info.
In the "Token Information: Card #..." window that appears, you will find these informations :
In the case of THALES IDPrime 940/3940/840/3840 smart cards and eTokens 5110 CC, the 4 default PIN codes are :
Source : SafeNet Authentication Client 10.8 R6 Post GA (2) - WINDOWS RELEASE NOTES (page 5).
Please note : as a reminder, 5 unsuccessful attempts on the administrator password (administrator PIN code) will permanently block your smart card and Thales (Gemalto) will not replace it.
Sources :
Windows Server 11/10/2023
Windows Server 11/24/2023
Windows Server 10/6/2023
Windows Server 10/20/2023
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