To access the advanced view, click on the 1st icon (on the right) representing a gear.
In the advanced view, you will find the following tree structure (on the left) :
When you select a token / smartcard, you can see a toolbar (at the top) with several icons :
If at least one user certificate is on your smart card, a "User certificates" section will appear on the left.
In this section, you will see the list of certificates present on your smart card with :
To display the certificate using the Windows interface (Server), double-click on the desired certificate.
The desired certificate appears.
Typically, you will store at least one user certificate based on the "Smartcard Logon" certificate template for the user to be able to login by smart card to a computer or server in your company.
If you select the desired certificate on the left, SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) will show you some information about it and its associated private key.
For the certificate, you will find :
For the private key associated with this certificate, you will find :
In the toolbar at the top, you will find several icons allowing you to :
Although you can automatically enroll a smart card login certificate using the Windows (Server) "mmc" console, you can also manually add certificates to your smart card from the SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC).
Indeed, a smart card is not only used for connection to a computer or server.
It can also contain several certificates of different types. This allows a user to transport their own certificates securely without them being lost when formatting a computer in your company (for example).
To import a certificate on your token / smart card, select your token / smart card on the left, then click on the 3rd icon (Import Certificate).
If at least one user certificate is on your token / smart card, you can also go to the "User certificates" section (on the left) and click on the 1st icon (Import Certificate) on the right.
Indicate the user password (user PIN code) of your token / smart card (if SAC asks you for it).
By default, this password is "0000" for IDPrime smart cards and "1234567890" in most cases for SafeNet eTokens.
Note : once the password has been validated, SAC will remain logged in as a user on this token / smart card.
To log out without closing SAC, all you have to do is select your token / smartcard (on the left), then click on the 2nd icon (Log Off from Token).
As you can see, SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) allows you to :
Select the "Import a certificate from my personel certificate store" option.
In our case, our "InformatiUser" user has 2 certificates :
The user certificate(s) available in your "Personal" certificate store appear.
To see more information about the proposed certificate, click "Click here to view certificate properties".
In our case, we can see that the certificate displayed by SAC corresponds to the one allowing the data on the disk to be encrypted.
If we go to the "Details" tab and select the "Certificate Template Information" field, we can see that this certificate is based on the "Basic EFS" certificate template.
Click OK in the "Confirm Certificate" window to select this certificate.
The "Certificate was imported successfully" message appears.
The imported certificate appears in the "User certificates" section of the SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC).
Thanks to SafeNet Authentication Client, you can also manually import a certificate on your token / smart card from a file (.pfx, .p12 or .cer).
To do this, click on the "Import Certificate" icon (visible by selecting your token / smart card, as well as in the "User certificates" section).
Select the "Import a certificate from a file" option to import a certificate from a file and click OK.
Note : if the "token password" is requested, specify the user password of your token / smart card.
By default, this is "0000" for IDPrime smart cards and "1234567890" for SafeNet eTokens.
Select the desired certificate file and click Open.
Note : supported formats are : .pfx, .p12 and .cer.
Specify the password protecting the private key present in your PFX or P12 certificate, then click OK.
Note : for ".cer" certificates, this will not be displayed since there is no private key and therefore no password to protect it.
The "Certificate was imported successfully" message appears.
The desired certificate has been imported.
If you select the desired certificate on the left, you can get some information about it.
Articles 9/8/2023
Windows Server 12/29/2023
Windows Server 1/19/2024
Windows Server 1/5/2024
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