From the vSphere Client of your VMware vCenter Server, you can easily export (download) and import virtual machines (in OVF format) from a simple modern web browser.
When you want to export a virtual machine from your VMware vCenter Server, it will be exported in OVF format and not in VMware format (whose configuration file would be in .vmx format).
If you want to export the virtual machine in VMware format (.vmx), refer to our tutorial: VMware vSphere 6.7 - Export and import VMs with VMware Workstation Pro.
To export a virtual machine (in OVF format) from the vSphere Client, right-click on the virtual machine to export and click: Model -> Export OVF Template.
In the "Export OVF Template" form that appears, you can specify:
If you check the "Enable advanced options" box, you will have access to these options:
Then click OK.
Several files will be offered to you for download:
If you open the "Recent Tasks" panel at the bottom of the page, you will see that there are "Export OVF Template" tasks running.
In your favorite web browser, you will see that the various files are downloading.
Obviously, the ".vmdk" file which corresponds to the virtual hard disk of the virtual machine is the largest file and the one for which it will take the longest for the download to be completed.
Once these different files have been downloaded, your VMware vCenter Server will automatically prompt you to download the latest file in ".mf" format.
This file is a manifest file used with the OVF format which allows you to check the integrity of a virtual machine in OVF format.
This file is very lightweight and will therefore download instantly.
Here are the files obtained once the downloads are complete.
Now that you know how to export a virtual machine in OVF format from your VMware vCenter Server, here's how to import one.
For the example, we deleted our virtual machine from our VMware vCenter Server to be able to re-import it.
To import a virtual machine in OVF format, right-click the desired destination datacenter or folder, then click: Deploy OVF Template.
In the "Deploy OVF Template" wizard that appears, you can choose to import a virtual machine in OVF or OVA format from the Internet (by specifying its URL) or from a local file.
In our case, we will import the virtual machine exported previously in OVF format.
Select all previously exported files at once and click Open.
As you can see, the "Deploy OVF Template" wizard shows you: 5 files selected.
Click Next.
Indicate the name under which the virtual machine should be imported onto your VMware vCenter Server and select the location where you want to import it.
By default, the selected location will be the one on which you right-clicked "Deploy OVF Template".
Select the computing resource where this virtual machine should be executed.
In other words, these are the resources (processor and RAM) of this VMware ESXi hypervisor which will be used to make it work.
The message "Validation..." is displayed for a few seconds.
Check the information listed here.
Although this is especially interesting when you import a virtual machine created by a company. As you will see in a future tutorial.
Select the storage (datastore) where this virtual machine should be stored on your VMware ESXi host.
For virtual disk format, choose the desired provisioning type:
In our case, we chose "Thin provision" to save disk space and to make it faster to deploy our virtual machine.
Then, click Next.
Map the virtual machine's networks to your own internal networks.
In our case, this virtual machine only had one network card connected to the default virtual network "VM Network".
So, we select our virtual network “VM Network”.
Note: these virtual networks correspond to the networks referenced on your VMware vCenter Server and configured as port groups on VMware ESXi.
A summary of the OVF Template (virtual machine) deployment configuration appears.
Click Finish.
If you open the "Recent Tasks" panel at the bottom of the page, you will see that "Deploy OVF Template" and "Import OVF Module" tasks are running.
The virtual machine has been imported.
Once the OVF template deployment / VM import is completed, the status of the "Deploy OVF Template" task will be "Completed".
VMware 6/15/2022
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