When you want to deploy certain virtual machines (via OVA or OVF format) or certain vApps, a network protocol profile may be required.
This network protocol profile allows you to specify the IP configuration, DNS configuration, and how names should be generated for imported virtual machines.
When you want to deploy certain virtual machines or vApps, an error occurs when you try to start them.
Plain Text
Cannot initialize property 'vami.netmask0.xxxxx. Network 'port group' has no associated network protocol profile.
This occurred in particular with old VMware products (such as: VMware vCenter Operations Manager) or old versions thereof (such as: VMware vSphere Replication Appliance).
This error simply indicates that no network protocol profile exists in your case for the port group indicated in single quotes (in our case, the distributed port group "DPortGroup_VMs").
Network protocol profiles are used when virtual machines contained in a vApp use the temporary IP allocation policy.
Sources :
To create a network protocol profile, select a data center in the VMware vSphere Client and go to: Configure -> Network Protocol Profiles.
Then click: Add.
In the "Add Network Protocol Profile" window that appears, provide a name for this new network protocol profile and select the network(s) on which you want to use it.
In the "Assign Networks" section, you can choose:
In our case, we select the distributed port group "DPortGroup_VMs" to which all our virtual machines are connected.
In the "Configure IPv4" section, you can specify:
If you click the "View Range" link to the right of the field, "IP pool range", you will be able to see all the IP addresses that will be part of that IP address range.
In our case, there will be 50 IP addresses (counting the starting one). Our IP address range is therefore: to
In our case, we do not configure anything for IPv6.
In the "Other network configurations" section, you can specify:
A summary of your network protocol profile configuration appears.
Click Finish.
The created network protocol profile appears.
By selecting it, you will be able to see the list of networks assigned to it at the bottom. That is, distributed port groups (in the case of a vDS switch) or port groups (in the case of a vSS switch).
In the "IPv4" tab, you will be able to see the IPv4 configuration defined in this network protocol profile.
In the "IPv6" tab, you will be able to see the IPv6 configuration defined in this network protocol profile (if applicable).
In our case, we have not defined anything for IPv6.
In the "Other" tab, you will be able to see the information:
VMware 3/24/2023
VMware 9/16/2022
VMware 5/30/2022
VMware 11/6/2024
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