As you probably know, all the servers (nodes) of a cluster must use the same version of Windows Server and have exactly the same service pack and the same Windows updates.
This means that to update a server, you should exclude it from the cluster before putting your servers back into the same cluster.
To overcome this problem, Microsoft provides a console called "Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU)" which allows :
In addition to this, Windows Server will automatically handle the suspension of the (server) node during the installation of the updates on it and will put it back into service when all the updates have been installed.
Then, it will go to the next node, ..., until all the nodes have been updated.
You will also be able to execute scripts at the beginning of the process and/or at the end of the process if you wish, as well as generate reports to know the updates that have been installed.
To automatically update the nodes of your cluster, you must first analyze the configuration of them to be able to adjust the small details that may be necessary in your case.
In short, open the "Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU)" console and select your cluster from the list.
Then, click Connect.
As you can see, the cluster-aware updating has never been run on the nodes of our cluster.
In the "Logging to Current Updates" tab, you will see the history of detected, downloaded, and installed updates.
Click : Analyze cluster updating readiness.
Wait while analyzing the different nodes of the cluster.
Then, you will see a list of prerequisites displayed.
In our case everything is good except :
For the firewall configuration, go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> Windows Firewall and click on "Allow an app or feature through the Windows Firewall".
Allow "Remote Shutdown" for the Domain.
For the CAU clustered role that is not installed, you are told that you will be able to install it by using the "Configure cluster self-updating options" action in the main console (Cluster-Aware Updating).
To start installing updates on your clusters from the "Clustered Update" console or on a scheduled basis, you will need to first create an updating run profile.
To do this, click : Create or modify Updating Run Profile.
The updating run profile editor is displayed.
With this editor, you can create a xml file with the following options :
For more information about these options, see the "Cluster-Aware Updating advanced options and updating run profiles" page on the Microsoft site.
In our case, we defined :
Save the configuration file under a different name.
For example : ClusterUpdatesParameters.
Microsoft 11/29/2019
Windows Server 7/19/2019
Windows Server 7/12/2019
Windows Server 7/26/2019
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