On Ubuntu, the root account is disabled by default. Instead you must use the "sudo" command to perform the required operations with the root account. However, if you want to enable the root account, you can just define it a password.
Type the command :
sudo passwd root
Then type your password (because of sudo) and 2 times the new password for the root account.
[sudo] password for informatiweb: Enter the new UNIX password : Retype new UNIX password :
You can then log in as root by typing the following command and using the password of the root (not the one you specified with sudo) account :
su - Password: root@informatiweb-pc:~#
If ultimately you want to re-disable the root account, you can simply use the parameter "l" of "passwd" command.
Since the password has expired, the account will be disabled.
sudo passwd -l root
Linux 12/31/2016
Linux 12/12/2014
Linux 2/4/2014
Linux 2/14/2014
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