If you arrive on this page, is that you have already received a DDoS attack on your server or you want to protect it before this attack happens on your server.
In this tutorial, we will install "No More DDOS" (replacing DDoS Deflate that is no longer maintained by its author) that lets you easily protect you against small DDoS attacks.
This script is available in 2 versions :
To install "No More DDOS for Debian", use the following command :
wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stylersnico/nmd/master/debian/install.sh | sh
To install"No More DDOS for CentOS 7" use the following command :
wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stylersnico/nmd/master/centos/install.sh | sh
To configure No More DDOS, edit the "/usr/local/nmd/conf.d/agent.conf" file :
vim /usr/local/nmd/conf.d/agent.conf
In this file, you can edit the following information :
No More DDOS provides a "graphical interface" in order to :
Note : This GUI works only with bans made in iptables.
To use this GUI, type the following command :
To save changes made in the configuration file, use the 7 option and then the option 1.
Option 7 :
Plain Text
--> Creating new cron [....] Restarting periodic command scheduler: cron[ ok ] Stopping periodic command scheduler: cron. [ ok ] Starting periodic command scheduler: cron. [....] Restarting periodic command scheduler: cron[ ok ] Stopping periodic command scheduler: cron. [ ok ] Starting periodic command scheduler: cron. --> Done
Option 1 :
Note : The number in front of the IP address is the number of currently established connections from this IP address.
Plain Text
friday 5 june 2015, xx:xx:xx (UTC+0000) Connections | IP 2 xx.xx.xx.xx
To ban an IP address or add an IP address to the white list, simply select the corresponding option and indicate the desired IP address.
Pour mettre à jour "No More DDOS for Debian" utilisez la commande suivante :
wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stylersnico/nmd/master/debian/update.sh | sh
Pour mettre à jour "No More DDOS for CentOS 7" utilisez la commande suivante :
wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stylersnico/nmd/master/centos/update.sh | sh
Pour désinstaller "No More DDOS for Debian" utilisez la commande suivante :
wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stylersnico/nmd/master/debian/uninstall.sh | sh
Pour désinstaller "No More DDOS for CentOS 7" utilisez la commande suivante :
wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stylersnico/nmd/master/centos/uninstall.sh | sh
Linux 3/5/2015
Linux 2/25/2015
Linux 12/20/2014
Linux 9/12/2015
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