To edit a predefined role or custom role, select it and click the pencil icon at the top of the list.
Privileges that were already present in this role are already checked.
For the example, we will add privileges from the "Scheduled Task" privilege category to this role.
Then click Next.
Edit the role name and/or description if desired, then click Finish.
The added privileges in our case appear in addition to the others.
To delete a custom role, select it from the list and click the cross at the top of the list.
Confirm the deletion of the selected role by clicking OK.
The deleted role has disappeared.
So that your colleagues can connect to your VMware vCenter Server with different rights, you will need to create personal user accounts for them.
To manage users on your VMware vCenter Server, go to the menu and click: Administration.
Then go to the section: Single Sign On -> Users and Groups.
By default, the "localos" domain is selected on this page.
In the list of local (system) users, you will find the root account in particular.
To add a new user to your VMware vCenter Server, select the domain "vsphere.local" (which is the default SSO domain offered by VMware when installing VMware vCenter Server or deploying VCSA).
In this SSO domain "vsphere.local", you will find the user "Administrator" (Administrator@vsphere.local) with whom you are probably connected at the moment.
To add a user, click the "Add" link.
In this SSO domain "vsphere.local", you will find the user "Administrator" (Administrator@vsphere.local) with whom you are probably connected at the moment.
To add a user, click the "Add" link.
Then, click: Add.
To modify a user, click on the icon representing 3 small dots one above the other located to the left of it, then click on: Edit.
For each user, you will have the possibility to modify their password, their personal data, as well as their description.
However, the username cannot be changed.
For the example, we added a small description.
The desired user has been modified.
To delete a user, click on the icon to the left, then click: Delete.
Note that if you wish, you can also simply deactivate the account to keep it, but preventing it from connecting to your VMware vCenter Server.
Confirm the deletion of the desired user by clicking on the red "Delete" button.
The user has been deleted.
VMware 6/2/2023
VMware 12/9/2022
VMware 6/22/2022
VMware 7/13/2022
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