From the VMware vSphere Client of the VMware vCenter Server (VCSA), you can access the console of a virtual machine by clicking on the "Console" icon.
By default, a "Launch console" window appears offering you the choice between:
However, if you checked the "Remember my choice" box previously, this will no longer be displayed.
In this case, if you want to change the console used by default, you will have to click on your username at the top right, then click on: My Preferences.
Then, in the "My Preferences" window that appears, go to the "Default Console" tab and select the console you prefer to use:
Then, click Save.
Source : How to change Virtual Machine Default Console Preference (80306).
VMware 8/17/2022
VMware 4/24/2024
VMware 11/15/2024
VMware 9/25/2024
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