If you go to "Remote Desktop Services" in the left column and then "Overview", Windows Server will tell you that there is no broker server in the server pool.
In fact, since Windows Server 2012, Microsoft allows us to manage multiple servers through the same server manager. So that the Server Manager detects the service broker, we must add the "broker" server in the server pool of our tse server (the one where the "Remote Desktop Session Host" service is installed).
In the server manager, click "Add more servers to manage".
Go to the "Active Directory" tab and click "Search Now". The list of computers (including servers) members of the to the Active Directory will be displayed.
Because we're on the TSE01 server, we will add the "Broker" server. To do this, select it and click on the arrow in the middle.
Now you should have another message : "No deployment of Remote Desktop Services is available in the server pool".
Indeed, for the moment, we installed only the role services required for the deployment. Now that we have installed the different required services, we will create the deployment.
In the server manager, click "Add Roles and Features".
Select "Install Remote Desktop Services" which is used to deploy the "Terminal Server" solution.
The broker will automatically be selected.
Select "Standard Deployment" because we will make this deployment on multiple servers.
Select "Deploying a session-based desktops" that requires fewer resources than the other option.
A short description of each role appears.
The Broker Service will be installed on the Broker server.
In our case, we have installed the web access service on the Broker server. So we check the "Install the role service of the Web access ..." box.
In our case, we named our "Remote Desktop Session Host" Remote Desktop Session Host : tse01 and tse02.
For now, only one server is installed but you can obviously select more servers if you have already installed this service on the servers you want to add.
A summary of the deployment appears.
The deployment will be performed on the selected servers.
The deployment is complete.
Now you should see this.
By against, by going on the broker server, we realize that the deployment isn't displayed. To view it, you must add the necessary servers to the pool of servers.
To do this in the Server Manager, click "Add more servers to manage".
Then, add the necessary servers.
Now the deployment is displayed on two servers. When you change this deployment on a server, the other server will update this preview.
Which is rather practical, it must be said.
As you can see in this deployment (see the above image), no license server is present by default.
In our case, we installed the service "Remote Desktop Licensing Manager" on the "tse01" server (the server where we had also installed the service "Remote Desktop Session Host").
To add the license server to the deployment, click the + named "License Manager" and then select the involved servers.
Now, a medal is displayed for the license manager.
For now, our deployment includes a broker server (which distributes the users) and a tse server (on which we have installed the role "Remote Desktop Session Host").
If you want to publish intensive programs, you may need to add one or more "Remote Desktop Session Host" servers.
For this, on the additional server, add the servers used for deployment.
Then, add the additional server in the server pool (of other servers in the deployment). To add it to the Terminal Server deployment.
Install the necessary roles according to point "3.Install a server" Host Remote Desktop Session "(with at least one license manager)" of this tutorial.
Then, in "Remote Desktop Services" in the left column and then "Overview", right click on "Session Host Server ..." and click "Add Remote Desktop Session Host server".
Select the server to add to "Session Host ..." servers.
Windows Server 1/3/2020
Windows Server 3/16/2019
Windows Server 3/22/2019
Windows Server 5/24/2019
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